Have been potato-ing at home these few days. Eating everything. Eat, eat and eat. All sorts of junk food. You name it, I have it.
Was really bored you see...Since I've got nothing constructive to do, might as well do some painting on my face. Force my sis to join in also. LMAO
And so, we started cam-whoring.
The aftermath.
The very-badly-drawn-eyes. Omg.

How about some ultra thick lashes? You can have em for free ((=

Envy her well-defined nose people...


Alright. I know you're shocked that i actually have thicker and longer lashes than you.

Omfg. How could you do this to me?!?!

Alright. These are just some of the random picts out of the 80+ we took in less than 15mins. ((=
Lame? I know. Well, Im bored.Bored.Bored. Just posting those better ones. The rest, horrible..
Hey! Im getting on well you know...LOL.
I miss going to movies. Movies!!! movie...movies...
Where're my movies????
Was really bored you see...Since I've got nothing constructive to do, might as well do some painting on my face. Force my sis to join in also. LMAO
And so, we started cam-whoring.
The aftermath.
The very-badly-drawn-eyes. Omg.

How about some ultra thick lashes? You can have em for free ((=

Envy her well-defined nose people...


Alright. I know you're shocked that i actually have thicker and longer lashes than you.

Omfg. How could you do this to me?!?!

Alright. These are just some of the random picts out of the 80+ we took in less than 15mins. ((=
Lame? I know. Well, Im bored.Bored.Bored. Just posting those better ones. The rest, horrible..
Hey! Im getting on well you know...LOL.
I miss going to movies. Movies!!! movie...movies...
Where're my movies????
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