Tuesday, February 21, 2006

And now, Singapore has got its very own Paris Hilton/Annabel Chong. Except that Annabel got paid but she does not.

I noticed that this girl named Tammy caused quite a stir on blogosphere. She's from Nyp if im not wrong. Well, I don't know whether to pity her or serve her right. I mean, why would anyone want to record down such things in the handphone? For entertainment during free time? Obviously, Its with the girl's consent to have the whole process recorded. Now that the hp was stolen and the sex video was made public, how would the victim's family and friends react when they happend to watch it? Omg. Snapshots of the sex video were shown on certain people's blog. Top search on technorati was ' Tammy NYP' . Was actually quite disgusted when i saw this piece of news. I wonder how this particular girl is gon` get over this trauma. And this gon` hit her family real hard. Everybody's like blogging about Tammy and her sex video. I feel sad for her. Really. If i were her, i'd prolly curse myself, slit my wrist, write a will and jump down from my room's window. Yes, I'm that pessimistic and will never be able to face the world again. Oh no, maybe I won't. LOL. Its dumb alright. Since you allow youself to be in a sex video, then you should be prepared for the worst if it gets into evil hands.

Whatever it is, She gave herself a bad name. And i heard that certain parts of the video was just ahem. Whatever. Its none of my biz.


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