Thursday, July 28, 2005

mommy freak-ed me out today but, i took it well. ((=

mama: 'you'll be ridiculously fat once you're pregnant.'
'even more freakingly fat once you gave birth.'
poor daughter: .......*mouth wide open.
mama: 'your legs will be like those of elephant's, your nose will be as round as a meat ball.'
poor daughter: omfg..hell.. *feel like puking already.
mama: 'and of cuz, your figure will be like a coca-cola can.' *smiling wickedly.
poor daughter: 'well, who cares about that?. im already married and won't giva shit about how i look. anyways, guys on the streets wouldn't give a damn to married/pregnant ladies.'

tho its really hard work, but i'll be glad to have babies! cuz i love em. lol
i have friends telling me that they don't wanna get married, not gon` have kids blablabla etc..
they either complain that there're no good guys left in this world or they're terrified of the process of GIVING BIRTH.

basically, teachers and moms have told us about the so-called nightmare.

the area of the hips there expand as you're about to give birth.
the doc will make your legs spread wide open.
you'll shit everything out due to the horrible pain.
your hole will slowly expand. ouch-
and it'll expand to a fcukin` 12-14cm. imagine that..
you'll scream your lungs out.
the damn doctor will ask you to breath in and out.
your deardear hubby will stay beside you. (not sure.)
and you'll grap his hand. bite it even..
he too, will scream with you.
if, you're suay and give birth to a big-headed baby,
the doctor will have to slice apart your hole..cut it using scissors.
gross can..
at last, you heard angelic cries.
and when your lil darling come out safely,
the terror doctor will then proceed to sewing up your 'distorted hole'
tata! thats the end.

noble isn't it?
guys will never know.
they'll never understand.


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