Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Does weight determine how long you live?

If you can survive the hunger pangs, it sounds like a pretty good deal: Eat less than a supermodel and, in turn, tack a few decades onto your life. Research has shown that ultra-low-calorie diets can improve the longevity of other animals, so why not humans too?
While you may have heard the hype about extreme "calorie restriction" ‑- cutting your food intake by 30 or 40 percent indefinitely ‑- some experts say it's a bad idea.
"In a nutshell, don't do it," advises Lona Sandon, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. "You need to be sensible about how you approach weight loss, and starvation is not a sensible approach."
To be fair, the aim of calorie restriction (CR) is not starvation. Calorie-restricted diets for longevity are about obtaining the maximum amount of nutrition in the smallest amount of calories by eating only nutrient-dense foods. What does this diet look like? No simple sugars or carbohydrates; plenty of vegetables, especially green, leafy ones; and protein from sources with little to no saturated fats. As you might have guessed, people who subscribe to these diets end up losing a significant amount of weight, at times looking almost emaciated. This begs the question, is a skeletal physique the image of vitality and long-lasting youth

read this somewhere and i thought i might as share it with you guys.
give it a thought alright...


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