Breakfast-ed with dewei at mac. Black bird and jj came after that. That hotcakes and sausage meal made me freaking full. Bought m&m before going to class as usual. That html lecturer damn nice luh. He doesn't give a shit even when im constantly munching on my chocos. ((: he made a real sweet comment too. *ahem. Tutorial on data comm today was dead.Yeah. I wasn't paying any attention. Didnt even have my lecture notes with me. Whatever. Busy eating my second pck of m&m. Tho i already felt so full, but just can't stop eating. And since i was really bored and that kind-looking lecturer was like talking to himself, I decided to do some art. LOL.
Okay. i know the pict's horribly blur. But its cute can...

School ended at 1pm. Bugis-ed with shan. (= Didnt spend much. Bought 4 bottles of nail enamels, 3 pair of ear studs and 1 white eyeliner. Im currently having a fetish for nail enamels. Got like a whole box of em. Shopped around.

She's cute. <3
Off to meet Steph and lynn after that. Bitched around at Starbucks. Thats what we girls always do. Healthy activity know...Just pray we won't get any retribution for doing that. And thanks to lynn for that hp chain thingy. iLOVE it and you. ((=
We gon` meet up soon again. Wish her best of luck for the midyrs.
Oh. I guess im gon` control my diet alilbit. Its like er...getting too extreme?
Okay. i know the pict's horribly blur. But its cute can...

School ended at 1pm. Bugis-ed with shan. (= Didnt spend much. Bought 4 bottles of nail enamels, 3 pair of ear studs and 1 white eyeliner. Im currently having a fetish for nail enamels. Got like a whole box of em. Shopped around.

She's cute. <3
Off to meet Steph and lynn after that. Bitched around at Starbucks. Thats what we girls always do. Healthy activity know...Just pray we won't get any retribution for doing that. And thanks to lynn for that hp chain thingy. iLOVE it and you. ((=
We gon` meet up soon again. Wish her best of luck for the midyrs.
Oh. I guess im gon` control my diet alilbit. Its like er...getting too extreme?
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