Monday, July 17, 2006


Yeap. One of my friend's blog kena spammed, like AGAIN. I don't those why there's always this kinda shit stuff going on in her blog. From what we know, its obviously some girl who is having intimate relationship with my friend's ex-boyfriend. But why? Nothing better to do? Jealousy? Immature? Holy cheese. You guys should take a look at THEIR blog. Im not saying that mine's great and stuffs but look at theirs. I bet you guys will die at the sight of it. Imagine yourself sitting in front of the lappy and tryna decipher almost every single sentence. Like around 2-3 mins for each sentence? Ridiculous? Hell no. I'm stating the facts cause thats what i did. Silly, i know but i feel THE NEED to understand THEIR language. Don't be surprised. THEIR language is good. That, i dont deny. At certain point of time, i felt so disgusted by myself that i felt like smashing my head against the screen. I thought im the dumbest person. I began pulling my hair like an emo-ass. WHY THE FUCK DO I TAKE SUCH DAMN LONG TO DECIPHER A SIMPLE SENTENCE???
Reading through their blog is enough to kill almost half of my brain cells.
Shit. How the hell im gon` pass my french if i can't even understand such simple BANANA language?
OmgOmg. Oh wait, maybe its german. Whatever.

-roll eyes

As im writing this meaningless entry, the pain in my stomach's killing me. Like effing PAIN. you know, PAIN???
Not to mention, im listening to don't know what shit song from my friend's mp3.
The more i listen, the more it hurts.
Holy candies, god save me pls.

okay. chill


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