Alright. Met up with dearest after his class. For what? study duh. LOL. But he wanna watch movie. Yup, again. Bought tix for [The American Haunting].
Studied for like only 1 hr plus or maybe lesser?
[The American Haunting]'s sososososo much like Emily Rose. I meant those disturbing scenes. American haunting is about how the poltergeist terrorize the family while Emily Rose is about satanic possession.
The show's not scary at all. A lil boring actually. ((:*
Yup, i remembered that 'diary' which we used to share during the secondary school days. I bet i'd laugh my shit out if i read it now. HAHA. Can still vividly recall some of the details inside. Like so silly and dumb. =D
So fang, pass it to me whenever you can alright?

Studied for like only 1 hr plus or maybe lesser?
[The American Haunting]'s sososososo much like Emily Rose. I meant those disturbing scenes. American haunting is about how the poltergeist terrorize the family while Emily Rose is about satanic possession.
The show's not scary at all. A lil boring actually. ((:*
Yup, i remembered that 'diary' which we used to share during the secondary school days. I bet i'd laugh my shit out if i read it now. HAHA. Can still vividly recall some of the details inside. Like so silly and dumb. =D
So fang, pass it to me whenever you can alright?

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