I have had numerous requests to write about the remarkable stupidity of one Miss Paris Hilton. Yes, I do agree that the bitch does some tremendously moronic things (dating the notoriously sketchy Rick Solomon comes to mind) but I must say, that I am a fan of Paris. I personally think it's fucking great that she's famous just because she knows how to spend money. A woman after my own heart. If I were the kind of person who valued substance over style I'd likely be singing a different tune, but lets face it, she is fierce and that is what really matters. What I especially love about Paris is that everytime a sex tape is released or a Sidekick hacked or whateverthefuck, she is practically unphased. As long as she can still pose for a camera and make pouty faces or stare at herself in the mirror, she's a-okay. And that is, I think, the true allure of Paris Hilton: She's so absurd and narcissistic and wrapped up in her own pink colored, candy scented, diamond encrusted world that it's almost cute. Almost.
I also love PH because we both subscribe to the same school of thought: even if people are talking shit about you, it's better than them not talking about you at all. And really, if you were worth eleventy billion dollars would you give a fuck what people thought about you? Not likely. I'm sure many people reading this will say "well look you dumb bitch, you can apply this same thought to Beyonce, why do you hate her? Paris has fake hair too, why didn't you comment on that. you're fat and ugly die die die" and so on. And my answer is this: Paris Hilton, for all her narcissism, does not claim to be anything other than what she is - An attention whore with a whole lot of $$$ to burn. She accepts it, she deals, she lives, she spends. She may pretend to be "singer" or an "actress", but it's not like she's doing this shit to make a living. It's just something to do. Monday - jetset to Milan, buy clothes. Tuesday - cut album. Wednesday - stand in front of movie camera and pretend to be scared. Thursday - buy shoes.....
Paris put tiny dogs on the map. No one, besides rich old ladies in Milan, carried little dogs in bags and shit and now EVERYONE has a knockoff Tinkerbell. I'm sure she probably earned Tmobile millions in revenue from Sidekick sales. She's a force of nature, and she had absolutely no talents whatsoever. That's hot.
I will now brace myself for the barage of hate.
above is an extract of what i read just now. from someone's blog. well, i totally agree