it was only this morning that i decided to go school. If not, steph alone very anyways, my leg doesn't hurt anymore, so why not?
as usual, slept through all lessons. that Kumari had to wake me up twice. at least, i turned up for school right..majority of my classmates were absent. Lost the momentum to study recently. so even if im wide awake, most prolly keeping myself busy by disturbing my friends. ((= pardon me for the lil touch of insanity. couldn't help it larh...
for the following week, i doubt i'll be present in school everyday. might as well study at home or go for tuitions. go school also cuz of friends or see my boy =DD
steph wasn't very happy today. something bad just happened to her idiot. ))=
but well, everything should be fine now i supposed.
went to bex house after school today. watched ' Land of the Dead'. goddamn hell. it was so gross can.. imagine those zombies tearing ur ass and boobs apart and you become their delicious meal. fcukin` hell.
i'd prolly cry to death or commit suicide if the world is infested with zombies.
afterwhich, meet him and linda under his blk.
went timezone.
stone there.
since he going Jason's house, i might as well go find my sisters...
yup. something dumb happened again.
a grp of girls was said to delibrately knocked onto fang's sis.
of cuz, fang went to hunt for that grp of girls.
some sort of confronted em.
the girls talked halfway and walked away.
and and and, fang wasn't happy abt the way the 'negotiation' ended.
wonder how's everything now..
wonder whats wrong. always got probs at fast food outlets.
example....mac, ljs....pizzahut.
ljs should be the most popular i think...
nonono. in case you people are wondering, this is certainly not an act of gangsterism alright.
no doubts about that.
and i promise that i won't be using any vulgarities from now on. prolly due to the recent stress.