Somehow, i've got a feeling that im gon` lose a good friend pretty soon. I've absolute nuts idea why its happening. Just slowly slipping away. The feeling is not nice at all. I cherish and love all my friends so much so that i always try my best to make time for each and everyone of em. Well, there might be one or two times that im held up with something. I dare to say that i do make the effort and work on my part.
I hope my assumptions are wrong about you. If it turns out to be true, then i've got nothing to say anymore. This just shows how superficial you are, and our friendship is built on shit. yups. I won't say who it is but if you're reading and feeling guilty, then you yourself should know best.
Walked past Northpoint and i saw girls all dressed up. yeah. Its obvious where they're heading to. MoS.
And yes, i'm not there. Blame it on my eyes okay. I can't possibly wear contacts throughout the night.
forget it. ((:*
and you think im really into clubbing and feeling upset that im not gon` go tonight? oh pls. I've got a motive know...LOL.
OkayOkay. Some random questions which hordes of people have been asking me.
and here are what you wanna know.
-. im freakingly STRAIGHT. NOT LESBIAN. iLIKE males, not females.
-. im open-minded but not loose. get this right pls.
-. im single doesn't mean i go for girls.
-. im not stuck-up and materialistic
-. i speaks mandarin okay
-. im not anti-social
-. im not a vainpot. er, depends. (=
Happy? How many gazillionth times do i have to fuckin` repeat myself?
Stop asking all these silly and dumb questions okay.
especially the lesbian issue. Omg. its driving me nuts.
lesbian here and there. wth.
Its irritating and annoying and getting on my nerves. etcetcetc.
Firstly, im not a jukebox.
Secondly, its TECHNO you're asking man...
I don't like techno
I dislike techno
I hate techno
Techno makes me mad.
Horrible noise pollution.
sorry if those techno siao/lovers out there feel offended but everyone got his/her choice of music.
techno's just not my cup of tea alright.
I'm running low on cash. sad case. Have nuts idea where the hell i spent on. Most prolly on movies, food and starbucks. ((:* Nevermind. I miss dining at Tony Roma. Shall go there very soon. Can't wait. The thought of it makes me drool. lol.
oh. more movies pls.
imma happy girl everyday.